This human journey we are on is changing. If you feel the ground underneath your feet is shifting–you know. The Earth is upping her frequency and we are answering through the experience of our own bodies.


It’s never been more important to release what is not your true, organic expression of pure love—so you can create your new human experience in alignment with your Source.


It’s time to step away from the tiny containers we have had to use to interpret the immensity of our pure human expression.


We are here, we are legion, we are Love…

…yes and, we are here to be in alignment with true creation


We’re remembering and re-inventing together in material form with JOY.


It is my joy to act as an impeccable human/ever expanding guide to assist you to clear what stands in the way of your mastery, your sovereignty, your highest frequency—so you can show up now in the fullness of your unique gifts and talents. We are all needed.


All my offerings are simple and of the moment, and all of them begin by honouring where you are now and the organic sacred light within you.




NOW is the time to reweave the threads of your untamed self back into your BEing

Time to inner stand yourself more deeply.
Time to explore again through deeper creativity.
Time to meet more expansively with what your heart always knew.

The moment is now to choose your true self,
to choose the untamed, exquisite purity of you because that is where you find the sacred "medicine" that will lead you to what you need to embody healing.

Choosing untamed, choosing the truth of you


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As we collectively move into the new consciousness, which has arrived on our planet as a higher frequency, our personal journey is even more important than ever.

To fully embody this divine human being-ness  that we are is a gorgeous solo journey, but we do not have to travel alone.

I am committed to my personal journey and to yours. My offerings will continue to focus on empowering and aiding you to be fully embodied and present to what is—what is the truth of you and what is possible—so you can open to more of  your own magnificence—which is more beautiful than you ever thought, but exactly what you always knew.

With love, Christine

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I am also the host of the Awakened Woman Self Care podcast. You can listen to any of the over 180 episodes wherever you get your podcasts, or through the show page on this website HERE.

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