Art That Moves
ART as SOUL Practice
poetry activators
ceremony + you
about Christine Pensa
gifted resources
exploring the mandala ONLINE
Have you been hearing a call to expand your creative practice?
Have you been wanting to open up to the wisdom of – what I like to call –
the visual language of your soul
After years of teaching my popular live course,
Exploring the Mandala
, to groups in Toronto, I am delighted to be offering a
brand NEW online version
This is THE place for you to learn to develop YOUR personal Mandala making practice
Exploring the Mandala
you will receive step by step video instructions walking you through the process of creating 5 Intentional Mandalas. You will receive an introduction video and pdf booklet outlining the course format, what simple materials you will need to begin your journey, and where you can get them.
A few reasons why YOU want to add personal Mandala making to YOUR Creative Toolkit!
I enjoyed being in such a peaceful space. It was a sacred space in those moments. I don’t give myself enough time in my day to “be creative”.
Christine taught me that we are all creative and lighting that part of ourselves is so important. I feel different now.
It has truly changed how I perceive myself. (Victoria S.)
Christine emphasizes the importance of finding joy in the process of art-making
and indeed her classes are really fun and relaxed. Yet on top of an enjoyable process, students leave her classes with many unique products as well. (Lisa B.)
I really enjoyed working with all of the different media, each type providing a new texture and experience.
I stopped judging my art and just enjoyed the process
. (Gaye B.)
My mandalas are up all over my office where they
inspire me everyday
! (Lisa P.)
I didn’t expect to have as much of a personal experience creating my mandala, but Christine created such a beautiful space for exploration with this class that I was able to open up and take a journey with my inner self from a pure and creative place. I was able to find a joyful place to set as the voice for my Mandala, and
my art now sits on my bedside table to remind me of that inner space and how important it is to spend time there
. (Michelle R.)
I am artist Christine Pensa of Art That Moves. I have been a practising artist and creative “way-shower” (I don’t like the word teacher) for almost 20 years. My style of intentional art making, art and soul, or sacred art and mark making comes from the fruit of my own personal practices. I bring my full presence as an artist, a shamanic practitioner—and all around lover of life—to all that I do. Like my beautiful friends the bees, I gather creative nectar to share with you and help you transmute it into honey to feed your creative voice.
For the last few years I’ve been sharing my popular
Exploring the Mandala
class with people in Toronto. I’m often asked whether the class would be available online—and so after much thought and preparation—it’s ready!
My first exposure to Mandala making was seeing Tibetan monks creating a Sand Mandala when I attended the Kalachakra teachings conducted by the Dalai Lama in Toronto in 2004. I was able to walk around the completed Mandala and then watch as the Dalai Lama placed it in Lake Ontario as a blessings. It was a powerful experience, but I didn’t realize that I could explore mandalas in my own way until a few years later. Now, I have been making Mandalas for my own spiritual self discovery and joy for almost a decade.
Exploring the Mandala
is an online – on demand video series in 4 parts. Once you pay for the course, you will be able to access the private videos and watch them at your leisure. You will be able to watch the videos and download the accompanying material. The course videos are delivered to you as soon as you pay.
The course is based on the live lesson plans I have created and refined over the past several years. The content is—as the course name says—about Exploring the Mandala. Mandala is a huge topic and frankly it is a lifelong journey. The course content walks you through Intentional art or mark making as a way to explore the mandala. Simple exercises with easy to follow instructions are the basis for the course. The video instructions walk you through the process and intentional creation of five mandalas using different processes and mediums.
Intentional art or mark making is not about the product (though the product is often divine) it’s about the journey.
Intentional art is not art therapy. Art therapy is a great tool for uncovering your personal history or stories, and there is an element of art therapy when you begin to work with your creative voice.
The distinction between art therapy and art and soul, intentional art or sacred art is tuning into something beyond our stories, and beyond our physical self and working to pull those beautiful threads of what your soul and spirit has to tell you.
What I know about Mandala making with intention is that is almost automatically opens you up. Bit by bit it has helped me to open and connect with the whisperings of my own creative song.
The subject of Mandala is vast. There are Mandalas found in cultures around the globe. There a hundreds of ways the Mandala is represented and so it could very well be a lifelong study. I will be providing a brief overview of Mandala and not instructing on the history of Mandala. There are many books on the Mandala and a google search will help you find more of that if that’s where your interest lies.
This course,
Exploring the Mandala
, is meant to introduce you to the Mandala by experiencing five styles of Intentional Mandala making with step by step instructions. Think of this as one of the beginning steps in deepening your own Mandala journey.
Once you have paid for the course, you will receive a link to download a pdf booklet with a full list of materials.
Are the materials costly, and do I need to go to an art supply store?
I have tried to keep materials cost down. In the pdf handout I have suggestions for finding materials at a lower cost. Many of the supplies can be found at a dollar store so you don’t need to go to a special artist supply store.
There will be no instruction on sacred geometry in this course. Instead,
you will focus on your own connection to Mandala making as a sacred or intentional practice.
YES please! I will provide step by step instructions for you to create all the mandalas in the course. Some of the most powerful mandalas for me have been the simplest. Many of the people that come to my classes have no previous experience and they have been pleasantly surprised by their outcome.
All that’s necessary to begin is a desire to know more about creating Mandalas with intention.
If you have some art experience, and are open to creating with a beginners mind, you too will be pleasantly surprised about the outcome.
All that’s necessary is a desire to know more about creating Mandalas with intention.
This course is for anyone at any level of art or mark making experience, who is curious about personal Mandala making.
As mentioned above, this is a vast subject. There a hundreds of ways the Mandala is represented and so it could very well be a lifelong study. The famous psychiatrist Carl Jung, in addition to using Mandala with his patients, made personal Mandalas almost everyday. See—it really can be a lifelong study.
Exploring the Mandala
, I will be providing a brief overview of Mandala, but not much history of the Mandala. I hope you will continue your own exploration and choose from the multitude of books written about the subject.
The course is meant to introduce you to the Mandala by experiencing five styles of Intentional Mandala making with step by step instructions. If you’re interested in entering an intentional Mandala practice, learning about new ways to approach Mandala making, while watching step by step art making demos—then this is for you.
Think of this course as one of the beginning steps in deepening your own Mandala journey.
As one of my divine mentors says, it’s your fruit to pick. I know this course can be just the beginning of you gathering your own fruit on your Mandala journey.
Who is this course not meant for?
It’s NOT meant for you if you are looking for a specific area of study, like art therapy. As mentioned above, this is a vast subject. There a hundreds of ways the Mandala is represented and so it could very well be a lifelong study. I cannot begin to cover the vast history of the Mandala across the world in one course, so if it’s that kind of study you are looking for, this course is not for you.
I will not be providing any specific instruction on sacred geometry or giving instruction on creating Mandalas attached to any particular religious practice.
Click on the Paypal icon link right below. Once your payment is confirmed, you will be directed to a special page where you will receive all the login information, including passwords, for the course. 4 instructional videos, and a pdf booklet.
All the necessary instructions for you to begin are included.
Next step—ENJOY your own Exploration of the Mandala
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